Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Blog Awards

Firstly I want to thank the academy, and my parents without whom none of this would be possible, my loving and supportive boyfriend, my fans and blog visitors and lastly and most importantly GOD!
Ok now I have the formalities out of the way I have been awarded 2 blog awards within the last few weeks. The first was the Kreativ Blogger award awarded to me by the lovely Kristy Young, Thanks Kristy.
The rules are to pass this on to 5 other Kreativ Bloggers... (I will do this at the end)
The second award I was given was the Butterfly Award. I was given this award from the talented LeAnne.
The rules to this award are as follows...
1) Post the award(s) logo on your blog
2) Add the link to the person who nominated you
3) Nominate 10 other blogs & post their links
4) Let those people know that they have received the award
As this one wanted me to nominate 10 and the previous one 5 I decided to just combine the awards together and nominate 5 for both awards. So my criteria was to find 5 blogs that are both Kreativ and cool. So without further ado here are the people I will pass these onto (In no particular order)...
1. Kellie Winnell - I've only just started following her blog but she has some gorgeous work and great and different ideas
2. Ryemilan aka Sam - This lady is seriously talented and way out my league. She has such a creative mind and makes fab projects!
3. Alana Galagher - One of my fellow Inklings. She always comes up with gorgeous projects and cool ideas.
4. Lin Mei Yap - Another one of my fellow Inklings. Lin Mei is the cutest most hilarious blogger I know. She makes really cool stuff with a different flair to them.
5. Tegan Swift - This is both an encouragement award and an award to someone who I feel for her mere age of 17 is really clever. Keep up the great work Tegan!
Thanks again for the ladies for the awards and to the other ladies enjoy the awards!
I have my 18-20 week scan today. I am really excited. We can find out the sex of our little smudgey (As I have affectionally nicknamed the bub for the moment) but I don't want to, I like the element of surprise. My partner really wants to find out for a variety of reasons and I am slightly tempted but I would rather wait and see. Either way just getting to have a look at the babies growth and progress is an exciting thing! Wish me luck!
Cheers, Dani (+1)


Kellie said...

OH WOW thank you so much Dani! Not only are you a life saver but you also give me awards when I should be giving them to you for not only your gorgeous work but your RAK....So oh hang on, I don have one for you over at my blog :) NO I didn't just give you one of these back, haha.

I hope your scan went well today. Did you find out, or are waiting on the surprise? I couldn't help it....I just HAD to know all 3 times.


Fiona Harrison said...

I hope everything was fine with your bub on scan. I am a midwife & I reckon it is so much more fun when couples don't know the sex, not to mention it can be wrong. We had a couple who already had 2 boys, were told bub No3 was a girl, they went crazy buying pink, all excited, only for bub to turn out to be a boy. No-one even realised for about 30 mins as they didn't bother checking!!
Really enjoy your blog,