The best craft designs are persued by the detective of the major CASE squad... This is her story
7 weeks ago Detective Dani was given a new assignment. To create some simple yet different Christmas gifts. Detective Dani stewed this over for a while when she remembered the lovely Joanna Wassens. Detective Dani thought to herself Jo always has gorgeous projects and she is very easily persuaded to give up her ideas, She will be my perfect target.
So Detective Dani went over to Jo's blog for some inspiration and came across some beautiful Magnet Bookmark's. Knowing that this fit the brief Detective Dani knew she had to use her quick wit and incredibly good looks to get Jo to give up her beautiful ideas. Detective Dani read down and found that by just thinking of how to get Jo to confess she already had exposed her secrets and the recipe to make the bookmark. Detective Dani knew it wasn't that easy and knew that there had to be more to it so sent Jo a comment trying to be discrete that she wasn't on Jo's CASE but also to get her to fully expose her secrets.
"Hi Jo,
I keep eyeing this off. It's such a great and simple idea. I am thinking of casing it for my next upcoming demo's. Thanks for the inspiration.
Where did you get the magnets from?? I've only been able to get huge sheets of them!! Please let me know
Dani xoxo"
I keep eyeing this off. It's such a great and simple idea. I am thinking of casing it for my next upcoming demo's. Thanks for the inspiration.
Where did you get the magnets from?? I've only been able to get huge sheets of them!! Please let me know
Dani xoxo"
Detective Dani knowing that Jo will give in awaited a reply and received one only a few days later from Jo advising that she simply recycled old fridge magents. Not knowing weather Jo had just given Detective Dani the key to unlocking all the secrets Detective Dani decided to start making up some prototypes with the plan of keeping Jo in a cell overnight until she gives in if they didn't work.
After making the first prototype Detective Dani knew that Jo had given in to her power's of persuasion and given Detective Dani the key to completing her assignment. Knowing that Jo may suspect that Detective Dani had Copied And Stole Everything she knew she had to disguise the project. Detective Dani looked at her colour Pallete and picked up the Old Olive and Real Red Cardstock and knew that this will give the project that extra touch it needed. To be extra sneaky Detective Dani made a second one by adding her own flair to the project. She then knew the CASE was complete and submitted her project to Senior Constable Karl for approval. Knowing that he was also memerised by Dectective Dani's beauty and wit he approved the project by saying "My darling they are beautiful".
The first prototype using Jo's design cleverly disguised with Old Olive and Real Red Cardstock. Detective Dani also used wide grosgrain ribbon.
The second Prototype with a changed design.
Here's how the magnet sits and below how the Magnet looks in Detective Dani's favourite reading material.
Detective Dani had made a beautiful and fun Christmas gift and due to these efforts Detective Dani was able to provide her demonstration attendee's with a fun Make and Take during the month of September. Detective Dani even used her Spotlight product to top off the project.
Stay tuned for the next episode of Craft and Design. Detective Dani ends up in too deep. Will she be able to solve the case?? You'll be in suspense!
P.S. Thanks so much Jo for letting me case your work and write this fun post.
I so love detective Dani! LOL Great CASEing too.
Wow Dani! I love your take on the magnetic bookmark. Glad I could be of some assistance. You make it sound like so much fun with Dectitive Dani on the CASE!! What will your next CASE be? I can't wait for the next episode!
I don't know if I love your Detective Dani story or your magnetic bookmarks best! I laughed out loud at your wonderful story. Doink Doink
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